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“Dr. Belz is very passionate about the material and wants you to succeed. I never considered going in to transportation engineering as a career until his class.”
— CE302 Student,

CE302 Fundamentals of Transportation
Introduction to multimodal transportation systems and factors that influence the planning, design and operation of transportation systems.

CE405 Design of Highways and Streets
Design of geometric elements of streets and highways with emphasis on safety and efficiency: functional classification, design controls, vertical and horizontal alignments, cross sections, and intersections.

CE408 Transportation Safety Analysis
. Statistical models for safety analysis; crash data collection, database management, and data analysis.

CE438 Design of Engineered Systems
Practical applications of fundamental engineering concepts such as codes and standards, ethics and safety, and liability and legal principles.

CE607 GIS Applications in CE
Theories and advanced methods of Geographic Information Systems for civil engineering practice.

ESM422 Engineering Decisions
Risk and uncertainty in engineering decisions. Basic applied probability and statistics, data analysis, regression analysis and time series.
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